How Grocers and Other Retailers Using two Way Radios Can Reduce Response Times to Help Prevent Slip.

qed 2 way radioWith very little information on the internet about Two way Radio’s, it is very rare when we get a chance to re post, with permission, an article from this industry.
BearCom, a nationwide provider of wireless communications equipment and solutions, today detailed areas in which two-way radios can have a significant impact in responding to slip/fall accidents at retail shops and grocery stores.
“Falling issues are one of the leading causes of injury and death in the workplace, according to the Department of Labor,” said Malcolm Ritchie, safety engineer with Martin Safety Solutions, Inc. “For this reason, OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration) enforces rules about maintaining safe working conditions. The walking and working surfaces must be kept clean. Clear paths of travel must be maintained.”
Business owners must respond quickly to any slip/fall issue. “That’s a liability issue,” Ritchie said. “They are required by law to immediately address that.”
Not only are workers at risk, but customers can also be victims. Common slip/fall hazards occur when food products at a grocery store are dropped or spilled. When a spill happens, every second counts so customers and employees are not endangered. In such instances, a 2 way Radio is vitally important. A crew member can be notified immediately to begin cleanup and to place a warning sign to mark the area, both during cleaning and floor drying time.
BearCom suggests three ways a two-way radio can be used when a slip/fall hazard occurs.
1. Identify and respond to the hazard. When an employee notices a spill, he or she should immediately alert a manager or other employees to the situation. In a large store, a 2 way Radio is the fastest, most efficient way to reach a co-worker.
2. Don’t leave the hazard unattended. The employee should stand near the spill, if it is non-toxic, to warn customers. With a two-way radio, the employee does not need to walk away to look for help, which would leave the area unattended for unsuspecting passers-by. A warning sign can be posted near the spill during and after the cleanup.
3. If a fall accident does occur, immediately call for help. A timely response is crucial to help someone who has fallen or to summon professional medical attention.
Hugh Johnston, Product & Purchasing Manager at BearCom, suggests that two series of radios from Motorola Solutions are especially well suited for retailers and grocery store employees. He lists the Motorola CLS1110 and Motorola CLS1410, as well as the CLP Series, which includes the Motorola CLP1010, Motorola CLP1040, and Motorola CLP1060.
Motorola CLS Series portable radios are economical, compact, lightweight, and compatible with a variety of accessories. Simplified charging and cloning make CLS radios easy to manage, and they are so simple to use that little or no training is required.
Motorola CLP Series radios are even lighter and smaller. Their design integrates an earpiece, which makes for even more discreet communications. The CLP1010, CLP1040, and CLP1060 are very easy to use, as they integrate only the essential accessory elements. Additionally, the CLP1060 is Bluetooth enabled. It is sold with the necessary Bluetooth earpiece.
“When an accident occurs, you want a radio that is easy to use,” Johnston said, “Workplace safety is a priority, and these radios offer peace of mind. Discreet staff communication is also nice so you don’t have to let everyone in the store know there was an incident.”
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Walkie Talkie Operating Guide

You’ve probably stumbled upon this looking for information about 2 way radio q codes’s, hopefully this will help you answer some of those questions, if not please click on one of the relevant links within the article

communication device used by stephen hawkingAre you wondering how to operate a walkie talkie? It’s actually quite simple as they are simple versatile devices that can be used almost anywhere. As you are just learning how to use walkie talkies, we recommend you start with the simplest set possible and go from there. We’ve created a short guide that should prove helpful.

Step 1 — Read the manufacturer’s instructions before you do anything. The instructions will show you where buttons, speakers and microphones are located. Make sure that you charge the handset or put in the required batteries into both models before you start working. Another important point is to check the distance that the walkie-talkie will cover as simple models can only be used over short distances.

Step 2 – Decide how many people will be on a network. If you are using your walkie-talkie over more than five miles, you will require the permission of local authorities and you will have to set up a dispatcher who will coordinate your calls. However, for short distances and for personal use, you can call each other’s walkie-talkies directly.

Step 3 — For long distances, you will have to give each other pennames that will help you recognize each other. This is also useful for short distance use as commercial walkie-talkies usually use the same frequency and you may have people in the same area broadcasting to you by mistake.

Step 4 — Once you have the basics ready, you can actually start using your handset by pressing down on the transmit button. Talk into the microphone of your handset when the button is pressed down. Let go of the button and other people can talk back to you.

Simple tips

1. You can make your conversation private by buying voice scrambled sets. Some handsets have 14 channels with more than 10 sub channels that will keep your conversation on a private frequency.

2. Keep your conversation simple and brief. Always state CLEAR after completing your conversation so that the other person can start talking.

3. Make sure you carry an extra battery if you plan to use your walkie-talkies for an extended period of time. You can also carry batteries that will extend the life of your handset.

4. Handsets are very delicate and dropping them can destroy the circuitry inside the model. If possible, also make sure that you have waterproofing on the Walkie Talkie to prevent permanent damage.

5. Only one handset can transmit at a time and you have to be careful to ensure that the conversation can be carried out in entirety.

6. Wait two seconds after pressing the transmit button. This is because if you start speaking immediately, the first few seconds are lost to the listener.

7. All models have a volume dial, a channel dial and some models have extra dials that offer different functions. Make sure that you do not click on the buttons by mistake as it can completely block up the channel and prevent anyone else from using the system.

The bottom line

Using a walkie-talkie is simple and fun and it is a very common method of staying in connection with friends and family on an outing.